Healing foods for peace and well being. Kneading the dough and healing the dough happens in different heavenly realities. Creative cooking - recipes and what's cooking for health today. We shall laugh and be happy for what creation manifests in a positive environment - that looks on the bright side of life.

We give our healing hands and its loving energy to the food that we do intake. In the purest intention - we give to the food that we eat - we give our utmost attention to the best health of the nations. Extraordinary women do extraordinary things - and the miracle workers manifest in pure intention of the essential heart of life. The giving in the spiritual law and what it brings forth for the heart of the nations. We love you and that is why we came - the bread of the presence - reminding you that you are loved.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Salmon for Hanukkah

Salmon was reduced in price this week so I could afford some brain food for Hanukah and the Festival of Lights.

In the oven two salmon portions were cooked in butter and black pepper. Joseph has two portions one for today and one for tomorrow. The salmon was served with braised celery and a green salad with artichoke hearts with humous. Pitta bread accompanied it and it was delicious. Thank you LORD for providing for yours truly.

I've also had some cheese and biscuits with fresh dill and fresh dill enhances your appetite to eat. The fruit this week is lychees and they're wonderful for freshening the mouth. Especially if you have any mouth or teeth issues. Strawberry and banana smoothie to boost the potassium with the banana - lovely to drink the pink. So my meal has been very pink and green. My son also bought me some fruit pastilles  due to jelly being good for the back and I've been eating sultanas that I enjoy very much.

The compounds in celery hold up well during cooking. Celery also has potassium - Vit C and Calcium.

Celery contains "Phthalide" and it was scientifically found to relax the muscles of the arteries and allow vessels to dilate. It reduces 'stress hormones' called 'catecholamines' in the blood. Celery is excellent for the adrenals that impact on the kidneys as well. I view celery as a great cleanser and detoxifier - fresh its crunchy and great with cream cheese to snack on.

And the artichokes are also preventative as they hold a compound called 'Silymarin' and it is preventative in skin cancer. A powerful antioxidant that mops up any free radicals before they can damage any DNA. You also have the aid of magnesium and heart of hearts is loaded for folate. Folate is an essential for the nervous system. It is recommended that people should eat at least 400 micro-grams of folate rich foods everyday.

Salmon provides us with our Omega 3's and a 3 ounce serving provides 3 grams. The more deeply the color of the salmon the more Omega 3's it provides.

Source book used for scientific information is 'New Foods for Healing' by Selene Yeager and the editors of Prevention Health Books. Every mum should have one of these little books. It is packed full of incredible information to unlock your healing potential with food.

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